Subject Title
   Information Security
Subject Code
  Shoichi Saito
The subject reflating work experience
Department and Grade Year
  Faculty of Engineering Computer Science
  Faculty of Engineering Creative Engineering Education Program
Subject Category
  Second Semester/Tuesday/5-6
Class Method
  ☑Face to face   ☐On demand  ☐Live interactive
Relations to Policy on Degree Certification and Awarding Degree
☐ 1. The ability to understand people, culture, and society and to observe them from a technological perspective with a strong sense of mission and responsibility, as well as high ethical standards for linking technology with a new lifestyle
☑ 2. Fundamental mathematical knowledge and scientific discipline for understanding and manipulating natural phenomena
☐ 3. Communication skills and logical reasoning skills to engage in dialog with various people both inside and outside Japan
☑ 4. (Advanced Engineering Education Program only)Basic knowledge and technology that form the core of the field of specialization, the ability to solve problems using these, and the ability to acquire new knowledge and technology
☑ 4. (Creative Engineering Program only)Basic knowledge that forms the core of the field of specialization, and the ability to create new values from a variety of perspectives to relate knowledge and technology in other fields
Subject Description and Objectives

The distribution of information via the Internet has been expanding rapidly. It is required to construct a safe and secure Internet society. In this course, students will learn the basics of information security technologies, such as the use of digital signatures to prevent tampering and self-denial, and the use of communication channel encryption to prevent information leaks. In addition, this course explains the behavior of computer viruses and their countermeasures, as well as technologies that complement the vulnerabilities of network systems, such as intrusion detection technology.

  1. Guidance
  2. Common Key Cryptography
  3. Public Key Cryptography
  4. Hash functions and digital signatures
  5. PKI and DH method
  6. Midterm Exam
  7. Malware and Vulnerability
  8. System Security
  9. Web Security
  10. Network Security
  11. Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  12. Authentication
  13. Authentication for the Web
  14. Information Law
  15. Final Exam
  16. Overall Summary
Evaluation Method

Evaluation will be based on exercise reports and mid-term and final exam grades.

Evaluation Criteria
S 100-90 Beyond the goal
A 89-80 Reached the goal enough
B 79-70 Reached the goal
C 69-60 Reached the goal in general
D 59 or below Not reached the goal

The midterm and final exams are worth 40 points each, and the report is worth 20 points. A total of 60 points or more is required to pass the course. The report must be submitted.
Five or more absences will disqualify the student from taking the exam. Late arrivals and early departures will be counted as 0.5 absences each.

Self Preparation and Review, and Other Instructions

In this lecture, security technologies commonly used in the Internet will be explained with actual examples. In order to understand the lecture, students should attend lectures on computer architecture, operating systems, and the Internet.

Hand out materials.
佐々木 良一 編著「情報セキュリティの基礎(未来へつなぐ デジタルシリーズ 2)」共立出版
結城 浩 著「暗号技術入門」SBクリエイティブ
高橋 修監修「ネットワークセキュリティ(未来へつなぐデジタルシリーズ)」共立出版
菊池 浩明 他著「IT Text ネットワークセキュリティ」オーム社
Office Hour

Any time. Connect through Moodle Q&A, Teams or Email before the face-to-face meeting.

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