Subject Title
   Special Lecture in Engineering E
Subject Code
  Yoshiaki Mouri 他
The subject reflating work experience
Department and Grade Year
  Graduate School of Engineering (Master's Program) Faculty of Engineering, 1st-year,
Subject Category
  First Semester/Intensive Lecture
Class Method
  ☑Face to face   ☐On demand  ☐Live interactive
Relations to Policy on Degree Certification and Awarding Degree
☐ 1. The ability to understand and observe human, cultural, and social problems from a technical perspective
☑ 2. A wide range of engineering knowledge and mathematical understanding
☐ 3. The communication skills to be able to exchange ideas with other researchers and engineers
☑ 4. The problem-solving skills to plan an appropriate approach to solving a problem, and actually solve the problem
☑ 5. Advanced engineering knowledge and technology, and the ability to apply these to solving real-world problems
Subject Description and Objectives

Cryptographic protocols that combine cryptography and authentication technology guarantee the reliability and privacy of the electronic society. This lecture focuses on the basic concept of information security and the basics of cryptographic protocols.


Cryptographic protocols that combine cryptography and authentication technology guarantee the reliability and privacy of the electronic society. This lecture focuses on the basic concept of information security and the basics of cryptographic protocols. Details of this lecture will be explained at the beginning of the lecture.

Evaluation Method

Evaluated by reports.

Evaluation Criteria
S 100-90 Beyond the goal
A 89-80 Reached the goal enough
B 79-70 Reached the goal
C 69-60 Reached the goal in general
D 59 or below Not reached the goal

Evaluated by report quality.

Self Preparation and Review, and Other Instructions

Please do not forget to register to this lecture at the beginning of the term.

Office Hour

Please contact with the coordinator, HONTANI (

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